THE TOUGH ONE .. science
1. Who was responsible for the theory that repression of sexual desires is the cause of neuroses ?
2. Name the series of
computers used by the British to break the German's Enigma code during
World War
3. One of the Enigma
code-breakers was scared that the Germans would invade the UK, so he
all his assets to silver bars and buried them behind Bletchley Park. After the
war, the man, who was responsible for the hardware designs of the Colossus and
decoding methods used, forgot the location and never saw his fortune again.
Who was he?
4. This one-time disciple of
Freud coined the term "complex" to describe a cluster of associated
ideas and emotions buried in the unconscious mind. Name him?
5. After both the 2001:
A Space Odyssey movie and novel became hits, fans floated a curious
about HAL, that famous artificial intelligence character. They claimed that HAL
Arthur C. Clarke's way of being a step ahead of the IBM supercomputers.
(You can work this out).
6. Connect the following: SHRDLU, STUDENT, SIR and PROLOGUE?
7. In the early 20s, a
Czech playwright called Karel Kapek introduced a term in one of his. The
soon became synonymous with Al. What was the term?
8. This mental
disorder was known as dementia praecox in early 20th century. By what name
do we
know it now?
9. This book was
finished in September 1897 and published a few years later. The author was
only $209 for his efforts. After its publication, only 600 copies were sold in
eight years, yet
it became a landmark. Name the book.
10. During the first
Consciousness conference in Tucson, Arizona in 1994, an anesthesiologist came
up with perhaps the oddest theory of consciousness. He claimed that the
"reason we are
conscious is to stop us from choking to death on our
food." Name the theorist.
1. Sigmund Freud
2. The Colossus series
3. Alan Turing
4. Carl G. Jung
Every alphabet in HAL's name precedes those in IBM. H comes before I and so on.
to Clarke, HAL stands for Heuristic Algorithm.
6. All of them are vintage Al programmes.
7. Robot. The play
was RUR: Rossum's Universal Robots.
8. Schizophrenia.
9. Interpretation of Dreams by Sigmund Freud.
10. Raymond Fink.